Alumni Board

Welcome to GMercyU's Alumni Association page! As a graduate of the University, you're part of a large network of 25,000+ Distinctive Mercy Graduates. Here, you'll find information on what it means to be part of the Association, those who make up the current Alumni Board membership, and meeting information.
Want to get involved or would like more information about the Association? Please email us at


Board Members

Our board members are committed alumni who are dedicated to the success of GMercyU. The Board has 13 members who are elected to serve a two-year term. All board members serve on subcommittees that service various areas of the University and alumni community. Each board member is eligible to serve up to 3 consecutive terms. Here are the alumni currently serving on the Alumni Association Board:

President - Diane McCarthy '16
Executive Vice President
- Mary Bevivino '05
Vice President
- Mary Jo Pierantozzi '72
- Christina Gresh '04 '06
Phelicia (Lisa) Baker '22
Beverly Barksdale '19
Mary Bevivino '05
Eric Brodeur '92
Nancy Curll '82
Andrew Harbaugh '20
Bridget McDonough '14, '21
Katrina Wise '84


I am happy to give back to the University that has given so much to me. I love being part of a team of Distinctive Mercy Graduates that continues to learn and grow through these special relationships and the opportunities we constantly seek out.

—Diane McCarthy '16, Alumni Board President


The Association seeks to advance the social, career, and volunteer interests of our alumni, while working to support our students’ learning experience while keeping alumni engaged with the University.

Meeting Dates

March 11, 2024
May 13, 2024


I have had many opportunities in my career, and I think much of it stems from the excellent education I received at Gwynedd Mercy University. It is my hope that I can give back to the GMercyU and support the University as it continues to grow and help students to appreciate not only what they are learning at GMercyU, but how important it is to give back and to share our talents with the next generation.

—Katrina Wise '84, Alumni Board Member

Board Outreach

The Alumni Board serves GMercyU in many ways. Check out how we’ve helped our alma mater recently:

  • Sponsored Student Business Center
  • Sponsored graduate nursing Peru trip
  • Sponsored undergrad Dublin trip (ongoing)
  • Sponsored books for Griffin Student Leadership Institute
  • Sponsored annual scholarship Golf Outing, supporting student scholarships (ongoing)
  • Sponsored chair snacks for graduating seniors at Commencement (ongoing)
  • Sponsor rentals for Alternative Spring Break (ASB) Bingo


  • Catherine's Cupboard with pantry items and monetary gifts
  • Orientation activities
  • Campus Ministry, the Gesu School, and Mercy Neighbood Ministries through Christmas Outreach
  • Donate/collect gift cards and baskets for ASB Bingo
  • Volunteer to help students robe at Commencement
  • Presence at orientation/move-in day
  • Welcome from Alumni Assoc. at Orientation
  • Presence at Graduate Finale
  • Board members/volunteers speak at Student Government Association (SGA) meetings
  • Provide materials and treats to our newest graduates entering into the Alumni Association


Download the full copy of the Gwynedd Mercy University Alumni Association bylaws (PDF). The bylaws were updated in December 2023 and are the guidelines for governance of the Alumni Association and Alumni Board membership.

Be sure to check out the subcommittees, as all “active” members of the Association are able to volunteer on a committee, separate from being a Board member.